Участница:Kilka: различия между версиями

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На этой странице рассматриваются региональные различия унати, расположенных от полюсов до экваториальных алмазных пиков, как вида. Жители Мирового Моря, [[Йоза'Унати | Йоза'Унати]], имеют свою отдельную страницу.
Having evolved from agile and territorial predators, always surrounded by gigantic, violent beasts, first [[Unathi|Sinta]] used weapons for hunting and survival. Later, when the great migrations started, it came to the struggle between different clans and tribes - battles for hunting grounds and natural resources. As societies evolved, new concepts came into being: power, hierarchy, order, territory, responsibility, honour. Blood bonds and familial ties developed into neighbourly agreements, servitude and vassalage relations, tribe unions, chiefdoms and primitive states, most of which were forged and kept together (to the present day in some cases) by the might of arms.
== Traditional Warfare ==
Исторически тропические земли Крайнего Севера и Юга имели богатые почвы, нетронутые леса и большие водоемы с чистой водой. Это привлекло много кочевых кланов, которые заселили область, начиная с 40 000 г. до н.э. С годами рост населения привел к тому, что местные жители осели на месте, чтобы более активно использовать ресурсы; преобладало крупное оседлое животноводство и кормопроизводство. В то же самое время, появились ранние города-государства; чаще всего они появлялись вблизи естественных ориентиров или сохранившихся руин Предтеч, которых было много.
Much like the clan is the basic unit of Unathi society, clan militias form the backbone of all military organizations on [[Moghes]], traditional or new. The militias are often maintained by few hardened veterans, while the ranks are filled by the part-time tribal soldiers - usually male clan members, although this may vary from region to region. Both men and women tend to receive at least some training with traditional weapons to hunt and defend themselves - or in case the dedicated warriors find themselves in need of support.
В 2308 году полюса являются торговыми столицами планеты с инфраструктурой, достаточной для дозаправки и обслуживания прибывающих судов. Большинство пришельцев, скорее всего, приземлится здесь первыми, даже если они захотят отправиться в более глубокие глубины планеты. Города-государства в этих областях - самые большие поселения на Могесе, а Мумбак забирает главный приз за самую густонаселенность. Зеленые пастбища уступили место восстановленным промышленным комплексам, ржавым верфям и докам, кортежам и дорогам, заполненным дизельными транспортными средствами и вьючными животными, растянувшимся фавелам, заполненным домами Унати и гигантскими рынками для товаров вне мира и товаров Унати. Те, кто живет в полярных городах-государствах, имеют быстрый доступ к внешним технологиям и сетям, а оживленные рынки и зарубежные миссии служат витриной для инопланетных культур. Неудивительно, что здесь, в Мумбаке, на Южном полюсе, родилась одна из первых организаций с амбициями Пан-Могеса, могущественная Гегемония.
For the majority of clans, large-scale conflicts are an extremely uncommon occurrence - the planet has seen close to none conventional wars for millenia. However, in a traditional, decentralized society like that of Moghes, the only kind of justice remaining available to many clans is martial justice - land division arguments, legal disputes, grudges and petty quarrels between individual clans are often resolved through armed conflict. The most common way to protect the rights and honours of one's clan and family comes in the form of banes – traditional judicial duels, either between chosen champions or with the entirety of clansmen participating. In case the sacred duel is deemed unnecessary by the kaahnepos, or wasn’t sanctioned by religious authorities, a classic, freeform brawl will invariable be the surest way to settle the score between two sides.
Величие, однако, имеет свою цену. По общим оценкам, в 2300 году около 70% жителей полярных городов-государств были недавними мигрантами из других регионов Могеса, причем большинство из них были из кланов саванны. В своем росте полюса стали все больше полагаться на гастарбайтеров. Чтобы контролировать массу вновь прибывших, правящие кланы больше не могли полагаться только на племенную милицию; они должны были приглашать наемников, которые в основном отправляли туземцев (известных как «Старые Деньги» или «Старая Кровь», в зависимости от уровня доходов) на административную и другую квалифицированную работу. Первоначальные полярные поселенцы неизменно занимают руководящие посты в большинстве местных гильдий и округов.
=== Diamond Peaks ===
Among fellow Sinta, the denizens of [[Unathi/Regions#The Diamond Peaks|Diamond Peaks]] are renowned for their physical might and perseverance, but also for narrow-mindedness, sluggishness and (sometimes) short stature. Nevertheless, it is universally agreed that the unforgiving highlands of Moghes breed the toughest, most dependable soldiers on the planet.
Будь то сезонный мигрант или крепко осевший, обычно считается, что полярные Унати наиболее терпимы к другим культурам; города-государства в этих регионах представляют собой странную смесь различных элементов Унати и внешнего мира. В то время как новички стремятся принять новые идеи во время своего пребывания, Старая Кровь предпочитают оставаться в стороне, сохраняя свои традиции с достоинством; в то время как полярные невесты пользуются большим спросом по экономическим причинам, считается, что полярные сиделки являются одними из самых проницательных на Могесе, подвергая женихов тщательному осмотру. Это особенно важно, поскольку городской образ жизни, по-видимому, отрицательно влияет на полярных унати, уменьшая их регенеративные способности и открывая путь новым болезням. Хороший брак стал инструментом обеспечения положения клана в местных делах, не давая ему упасть в безвестность и смешаться с растущей толпой Унати низкого происхождения.
While their native lands lack fertile pastures, the highlanders' home was well-shielded from hazardous wildlife or unwanted guests. Moreover, clean water and mineral deposits were abundant, hidden in the depths of the earth. This, naturally, drove local unathi to the trades they could make best use of: crafts and war.
С точки зрения веры, большинство полярных Унати являются последователями традиционной религии Унати. Более высокий уровень грамотности позволял печатать и распространять священные тексты в большом количестве, причем большинство из них касалось Предков и их подвигов на Могесе и за его пределами. Помимо празднования Предков, поклонение Предтеч несколько распространено, особенно в областях, благословленных святыми руинами. Основные центры для исследований, связанных с Предтеч включают Си'Гек Нельс'тар с Северного полюса и Инста на Юге.
The mountain warrior of the classical period was invariably a foot soldier, armed with a large shield and a melee weapon - the mounts could only be afforded by those representing military or religious elite. The peakfolk made heavy use of metal armour, which covered the body, limbs and sometimes even the tail. To make the most of their hardware advantage against lightfoot adversaries, Peak warriors operated in tight formations, covering each other on advance. Such tactics required rigorous training and discipline, coupled with strict leadership. Ranged weapons played a largely supportive role, often found in the hands of servants from the conquered clans, although younger highlanders would also arm themselves with javelins and slings, to harass the enemy and assist their seniors.
Что касается [[Культы Унати | культов]], полярные кланы были особенно щедры по отношению к мастерам Плодотворных Огней, привлекая их из разных частей Могеса. Это покровительство оказалось настолько успешным, что многие вовлеченные в него гильдии и храмы переместились на полюса, сместившись с ранних мест Пахк и Коджа. В наши дни Си'Гек Нельс'тар рассматривается многими как «столица» культа.
Eventually, the majority of the lowlanders came to be dominated by the Diamond Peaks war chiefs. Their rule spread beyond the Peaks themselves - highlander colonies in the swamps (Wasghaelli) and deserts stand testimony to the fact. To maintain law and order in the conquered areas, Peak dwellers spent centuries perfecting their standing armies and military administrations. While traditions and methods varied between each clan, some attributes of their rule were quite ubiquitous, such as the use of heavily armored and rightfully feared guardsmen. Those who had the gall to wrong the highlander masters were bound to be seized, beaten and turned into a hardened thrall - or sent to the fields.
Однако в последнее время полярные Унати стали очагом для менее респектабельных религиозных движений. Начало 2100-х годов было ознаменовано возрождением древнего культа Маркешелли. В то время как местные жители были далеки от терпимости по отношению к первоначальной версии, недавние события заставили правящие кланы Старых Денег смириться со спорным движением; перед лицом растущих волнений и хаотического межкланового насилия, вызванного растущими трущобами, последователи Маркеша оказались островом непростой стабильности - источником многих разочарований вновь прибывших. Окрестности Мумбака все чаще рассматриваются как территория Маркешели, в лучшую или в худшую сторону.
While among the first to use primitive arquebus-like firearms, Peak Sinta military practices have plateued during centuries of relative peace. [[Unathi/Extra Information#The Precursors|Precursor technology]], while revered by highlanders, was rarely used. The big change came when polar city-states began to grow exponentially, the increased demand for security prompted many chiefs to rent their militias out in return for consumer goods and industrial exports. Highlander security units became a mundane sight in the streets of Mumbak and such, much to the displeasure of locals, no matter high or low-status. This development was spurred by the gradual decline of vassalage system in the Peaks. Since the vassals could no longer support their masters with their somewhat primitive agriculture, the highlanders had to search other means of income. The [[Unathi#History and Politics|First Contact]] with alien races only hastened the process - the major ports of Moghes Poles became the place to earn money (and spend money), and mercenary work off-Moghes became a dangerous, yet lucrative option. At the same time, the traditional feudal boundary between the highlanders and lowlanders (or even settlers from other parts of Moghes) blurred out, with wealthier plebeians often rivaling their former rulers in strength of arms.
В культурном отношении Унати полюсов имеют сходство с народом саванны из-за их общего происхождения; хотя годы городской жизни изменили прежние, они все еще поддерживают тесные экономические и другие связи с сельским народом саванн. Отношения с другими этническими группами более напряженные; Полярные города-государства находятся в постоянном соперничестве с более изоляционистскими крепостями Алмазных Пиков за контроль над делами Могеса. Хотя это редко беспокоит среднестатистического полярного работника, присутствие наемников Пустынь и Алмазных Пиков, безусловно, не делает эти две группы популярными среди низшего класса. Тем не менее, когда нет полиции, есть жестокое правосудие клана.
While the traditional highlander art of armour smithing lost its former importance, one trade remained highly sought-after - the production of mobile suits, or [[Breacher chassis control module|Breachers]]. Unlike human-built [[Hardsuit|hardsuits]], Peak Sinta rigs are carefully handcrafted and individually fitted, and later issued to the best warriors of the clan. Those on the top of highlander military structure may enjoy the elements of Precursor technologies integrated into their power armor, as well as precious gems, baroque patterns and other decorations, including the skulls of their enemies and rare animals. The might of Peak Unathi Clans manifests itself in a form of Breacher infantry attack: an awe-inspiring assault by a rigorously trained, motivated, and well organized metal wall crushing everything under its boot.
=== The Great Desert ===
For centuries, Unathi of the savannas remained a nomadic folk. Their great [[Moghes|Ogashes]], massive animals with eight legs and hard shells on their backs, carried housing for many in the clan - simple wood shacks or tents made of leather. Alongside them came other herd animals - Ssisaliks, Threshbeasts, even Stoks. Great caravans wandered through the grasses, carrying merchandise of all kinds and great packs of seed and plant to plant and grow, and feed their animals. Bright vibrant colors filled the caravans, and the stench of dried meat and dung as well. Water was always at hand, always.
Caravan guards by day and robbers by night, the [[Unathi/Regions#The Great Desert|old sinta of the deserts]] pride themselves as masters of individual combat, both ranged and melee. Small in numbers and constantly engaged in great hunts and tribal raids, clans of the desert have to rely on hit-and-run tactics, swiftness of movement and mastery of weapons.  
This changed, however, when [[Unathi/Agriculture#Polar City-States and Savannas|agriculture and settled husbandry]] spread down from the Poles, starting in 15,000 BCE. Caravan trains made way for large clan estates or farms, with farmlands, orchards and pastures providing plenty of fodder; the herds grew, and so did the population. While some clans remained nomadic (or even reverted to hunting and gathering), they still participated in the increasing trade with the Poles, providing food for the growing city-states.
The champions of the desert have turned almost every kind of military pursuit into a form of art. While on the move, desert dwellers make exellent snipers and skirmishers, making the most of thrown rocks, javelins or rifles, even from ssisalik or oghash back. In melee, the nomads are equally as dangerous, wrestling even larger opponents to the ground, or attacking them with daggers. Wrestling is especially popular with the followers of the Stratagem - and those are plenty among the desert clans. Those traditional displays of strength are often accompanied by other shows, such as the scimitar-dance, performed by armed desert clan females. While they rarely have enough manpower to sell their entire militias for money, Desert champions are often sought after as bodyguards to Polar strongmen, who value both their skill and lack of attachment to local affairs.  
Savanna Unathi live up the most to the existing unathi stereotypes. They are tall and well-fed, often boasting good health; they usually have shorter horns or fins, if any. Unlike other ethnic groups (apart from Desert Clans), Savannafolk are exeptional riders, making most use of their mounts, especially ssisaliks.
In recent decades, the ways of war in the desert have undergone certain developments, dictated by changes in local lifestyle. For millenia, wasteland clans relied heavily on few animals to move between major oases or rare strips of shrubbery. As the result, the warriors of each clan rarely journeyed very far from their home base, situated on the backs of [[Moghes#Ogashes|Ogashes]] and cart wagons - or near a source of water, in case the clan was settled. The influx of motor vehicles gave desert unathi a great deal of mobility, and allowed many clans to brave territories with limited supply of water and forage. While fuel is not cheap, the expanding trade between the poles brought in plenty of savanna bio-diesel to work with, and sometimes even phoron. At the same time, fuel from Diamond Peak refineries became an important tool in securing the loyalty of Great Desert clans, used first by larger highland clans and then by the [[Unathi#The Convent|Convent]].  
The clans of Savanna have economic and cultural strong ties with polar city-states. Instead of splitting up ancestral lands, junior branches of savanna families often find themselves migrating to the Poles in search for work. This, coupled with great demand for food and pack animals, has made principal savanna clans quite wealthy and well-connected. At the same time, agrarian overpopulation has led to increased colonisation efforts, with smaller clans and families settling the very borders of the Great Desert, attempting to transform it into arable land.
To make the most out of their supplies, desert unathi tend to use massive, high torque all-terrain vehicles with powerful engines, not dissimilar to ogashes in many ways. Those vehicles, often called "tanks" or "crawlers" by human onlookers, usually feature an impressive set of weaponry (including machine guns and cannons) intended for self-defence - a mere view of such a difficult target discourages smaller clans from raiding the owner.  
In this light, it is no surprise that [[Unathi/Cults|Hand of the Vine cult]] is incredibly popular with savanna Sinta, with it's focus on restoring and recultivating lost lands. The acolytes of said cult are welcome guests in any savanna settlement, and the celebrations associated with it have spread far beyond the cult itself.
=== Swamp Regions ===
The [[Unathi/Regions#Salt Swamps|swamp pioneers]] of Moghes are rarely praised for their military prowess - despite this, unfriendly raids into their territory are exceedingly rare. This owes much to the hostile environment of swamp unathi lands - and their masterful use of terrain to their advantage.  
While Savannafolk have been largely self-sufficient, imported goods and services found their way into the interior, with the clans making use of alien holovision networks, and sometimes NTnet. Literacy, while lagging behind Polar levels, is decently widespread. The locals make the most of Trans-Moghes Trade routes, receiving the goods from the Swamps and Diamond Peaks. While Savannafolk hold no great bias against other ethnic groups on Moghes, one exeption to that are Desert Clans, which sometimes raid their more affluent neighbours and attack the colonists; in responce, the border areas are patrolled by mounted savanna militias, armed with imported weapons - more than a dangerous counter to the desert bandits.
Often little more than armed peasants, swamp dwellers generally possess knowledge of local roads and rivers, and usually allow the intruders to delve deep into the marches before ambushing them. Once the unfortunate bandits have lost all their vehicles and pack animals to the bogs, the locals may overwhelm and take them prisoner in mere minutes - this is greatly helped by the fact that people of the swamp can swim almost silently, and can climb trees, unencumbered with armor.
==The Great Desert==
While swamp unathi militiamen don't use much of specific gear (owing to their mixed background), a traditional weapon is a local variant of war cleaver, called "gharrunhi". Gharrunhi is generally used to cut through the shrubbery and thick wines. However, it is heavy enough to put down the largest of local predators in one swoop. Gharrunhis are directly responsible for many fingerbones hanging from the necklaces of local militia veterans, each denoting one dead or captured (and then ransomed) opponent. In addition, a popular ambush tool for the swamp dwellers is a simple fishing net, often used to entangle or startle the adversaries when dropped from above.  
The great wastelands of Moghes cover most of the planet's sole continent. Known as the Great Desert, those sparcely populated lands separate more settled lands - the Poles, Savannas and the Diamond Peaks. As the result, crossing the desert used to be the only option for many travellers and nomads wishing to resettle.
The Desert is, by all accounts, an inhospitable, hazardous place. The heat, sandstorms and pockets radiation make the journey more trouble than it's worth, especially with local legends floating around about some locals warped into hulking, cannibalistic monsters. Apart from those, more mundane dangers arise. Water is scarse; quicksands and sinks dot the dunes, with very few permanent roads available. Like other parts of the planet, a considerable number of Precursor ruins pepper the area, standing as monuments to the days of old; the majority of those, however, are well-hidden beneath the sands.
=== Savannas ===
While physically strong and often towering well above their contemporaries, the [[Unathi/Regions#Savannas|inhabitants of the savanna]] belts of Moghes are often regarded as farmers and herdsmen rather than warriors - the ssisalik herds belonging to them feed a considerable proportion of Moghes population. Nevertheless, savanna clans hold two major victories under their belts - victories in two of the three major recorded wars in the history of unathi race, no less.
The Great Deserts are said to be the [[Unathi/Timeline|birthplace of Unathi as a race]]. While some areas have been settled by the exiles from different regions, the ancient native population dominates the central parts of the wasteland.
Expert riders and animal handlers, it comes as no surprise that savanna sinta, both nomads and settled ones, prefer to fight from the backs of their huge mounts. Ssisaliks are most common, while threshbeasts are used as hounds and patrol animals, seeking out the fleeing enemies and hidden dangers. While this makes savanna militias more intimidating, it also gives them great mobility, allowing bands of warriors to carry supplies over long distances.
Desert Sinta are sturdy, violent folk, well used to the hardships of their native land. On average, they are thinner than their savanna or polar counterparts, with more prominent primitive features - long horns and claws are prevalent. Desertfolk have sharp sences, including great eyesight and keen sence of smell. Their version of Sinta'Unathi is considerably more dry, suited better for retelling the legends of old rather than everyday conversation.
The finest hour of savanna warriors came roughly 4200 years ago, when the events of the [[Unathi/Timeline|Cult war]] pitted the the southern clans against [[Unathi/Faith#Markesheli|Markesheli]], who controlled great swathes of savanna and desert territory. Led by the careful kaahnepo Ssvagha Issarik, local militias managed to defeat multiple bands of cultist raiders in detail, bringing an end to the expansion of the cult and setting in motion its downfall.
Typically, desert clans settle around precursor bunkers, oases, caverns or other sources of water hidden within the deserts. [[Unathi/Agriculture|While they engage in animal husbandry]] like all other unathi do, game constitutes a disproportionate part of their diet. The hunting skills of Desert clans evolved into something astoundingly deadly, earning them a certain degree of respect from other unathi races. It is often said that the best unathi marksmen come from the Deserts.
Yet another example of savanna unathi martial prowess and adaptability came during the [[Unathi/Timeline|Nine Years’ War]] in 2259 - 2268, when mounted militias barely managed to hold back the advance of Diamond Peak troops marching to break the siege of Nolesk. This time, both sides made use of heavy machine guns, bolt-action firearms and even some imported weapons - the advantage savanna dragoons had in mobility and logistics proved decisive.
It is important to remember, however, that many minor desert clans to not have direct access to the cites listed above. While some turn to [[Unathi/Industry|caravan driving or mercenary work to support themselves]], others have no qualms about raiding their neighbors and taking their livestock and valuables. Shelter and land rights are decided by vicious combat, where combatants' skills, experience and endurance are a deciding factor. Because of that, a particulary crude version of the [[Unathi/Cults|Great Strategem cult]] remains widespead among desert nomads.
With the growing wealth, increase in trade and improvements in technology, motor vehicles have found widespead use in the savannas. The availability of biodiesel, produced by a large number of clan-owned processing facilities for power generation, only boosted the process. While large armed transports are still the most popular type of car with savanna unathi (especially with the merchants travelling from pole to pole), personal vehicles are gradually becoming more common. This includes a certain amount of imported phoron and nuclear-powered hoverpods, especially second-hand ones, brought in by human merchants. Nevertheless, ssisaliks and other pack animals remain the favoured method of conveyance among savanna dwellers, for reasons both economical and cultural.
In recent years, the deserts became a focus of [[Unathi/Timeline|many expeditions]], wishing to discover what lies beneath the dunes. Advanced sensors and imported equipment facilitated possible excavations, providing savvy desert clans with income. The '''artifact rushes''' became a new sourse of conflict, pitching locals against the foreigners or other desert tribes.
=== The Poles ===
A long time ago, [[Unathi/Regions#The Poles|polar clans]] were quite similar to those of savannas in their economy, mode of life and even general appearance. Since then, however, the Poles of Moghes have become increasingly urbanised - and their denizens have traided many qualities or rural unathi for other benefits.
==Salt Swamps==
For years, polar unathi have increasingly relied on foreign troops to maintain order in their growing domains. Experienced warriors from all regions of Moghes flocked to the city-states, seeking employment. However, this arrangement has it's drawbacks - during the war between Hegemony and Convent, many highlander militias proclaimed neutrality, offering protection only to their direct employers, while some units shared even more dubious loyalties.
The saltwater marshlands on the very margins of the World Sea are known as the Salt Swamps of Moghes. The swamps are a very special part of Moghes - lush with flora and abundant with fauna, yet filled with dangers. Despite the irradiated waters, poisoned earth and wild beasts, a certain group of unathi have braved the swamps and created several self-sufficient colonies and hamlets.
The Swamp Folk are the pioneers of Moghes, industrious all-rounders living on the frontier - fishing, hunting and cultivating the land where possible. More than usual foodstuffs, however, [[Unathi/Industry#Men of the Swamps|the swamps are rich in spices, medicinal herbs, rare wild animals and other luxury products.]]
In lieu of those developments, many wealthy polar clans became eager to restore the martial traditions of their clans, although many had maintained small militias of their own even before the events. Either way, it is now customary for major polar powerhouses to school their young in the ways of war, with best equipment and teachers their money can buy. Energy weapons, training spacecraft, many foreign and even off-world specialists are sought after by local clans - among the latter, allegedly, retired Sol and Terran officers.
Stereotypically, Unathi of the Swamps are short and stocky, with long, spiny frills more prevalent than horns. Due to the influx of the colonists from other regions, many local clans may posess uncharacteristic features - thick brown hides of the Peakfolk, large horns frequently found with the Desert Unathi, or the towering stature of Savanna clansmen. In terms of culture or religion, the salt swamps populations are noted for their eclectic approach, combining [[Unathi#Faith|traditional religion]] with elements of cult practice, be that [[Unathi/Cults#Hand of the Vine|Hand of the Vine]] seasonal festivals, [[Unathi/Cults#The Grand Stratagem|Grand Stratagem]] swordplay or [[Unathi/Cults#The Fruitful Lights|Fruitful Lights]] fairs, with smaller groups adopting Precursor-themed rituals, especially in few coastal areas dominated by Precursor ruins. The Swampfolk are said to be the most religious of the Unathi, mostly due to many hazards and challenges of their homeland. Local ritual celebrations, simply called "parties" by Human explorers, tend to involve all the tribe members, with complicated rituals, theatric performances and great feasts happening throughout the year.
=== Yeosa'Unathi ===
Few continentals (or even alien races) consider the islanders of Moghes warlike. For many [[Unathi/Yeosa|Yeosa]] clans it holds true, although phlegmatic islanders are sometimes capable of surprising feats in combat.
One defining characteristic of the Swamp Folk is their semi-aquatic nature. The locals feel at ease whether on land or on water; Swamp clans maintain sizeable fishing fleets and use the rivers to their advantage - for transportation and agriculture. In some places, the shores are lined with dock, instrumental in keeping the boats afloat - and sometimes more than boats. Major swamp settlements of Wasgaelli and Gaza'lor are both floating cities, built on great boats, platforms and rafts.  
While the Littoral clans may borrow some martial traditions from their neighbours (especially from the swamp sinta), for many an islander fighting an opponent in water remains fairly similar to hunting an animal: pirates, large beast and aggressive exiles are usually confronted with fishing spears, clubs, nets and knives. The Wardens - members of the "third sex" unique to the Yeosa - often use their size and special status to prevent any aggression between people of the sea.
To [[Unathi/Industry#Men of the Swamps|maintain such fleets]], a steady supply of fuel is required, and plenty of workhands. The salt-swamp Unathi are more welcoming towards newcomers, provided they work as hard as the natives do. The merchant caravans are welcome too. Those are, however, a favourite target of Desert raiders, although the latter rarely venture deep into the swamps - in combat, unarmored natives are quick and agile, and they know how to turn the difficult terrain to their advantage.
After the formation of [[Unathi/Yeosa#Rah'Zakeh League|Rah'Zakeh League]], a volunteer force of the Sentinels was put together, to enforse the laws of [[Unathi/Yeosa#Aga-Eakhe|Aga-Eakhe]] and apprehend pirates. Armed with increasingly popular [[NanoTrasen]]-brand underwater flechette pistols, the Sentinels ensure that the will of the Tribunal is carried out, on land and sea - and sometimes even in space.
==The Diamond Peaks==
== Clan Leagues. Modern Warfare ==
The equatorial region of Diamond Peaks earned its name for several obscure reasons largely unknown to the outsiders. The clans belonging to the area trace their lineage to the [[Unathi/Timeline#Restorers’ Timeline|earliest days of Unathi race]], which puts them next to Desert Sinta in terms of age, if not older. While this claim is difficult to corroborate, it is true that the natives of the Peaks were among the first to consolidate and create clan unions, also known as chiefdoms, starting around 20,000 BCE.
23rd century on Moghes was marked by major developments in the field of politics, economy and culture. The explosive growth of city-states was given boost by the contact with expansionist alien empires, which inspired awe in the unathi - but also concern. In the meantime, societal changes led to the creation of new political entities - first, the powerful [[Unathi#Krukzuz|Krukzuz]] type of clans, and later clan leagues. The need to secure their place in a changing world of proto-states and aliens fostered the development of the new type of unathi military, in many ways different from traditional clan militaries of the past.
Such cooperation emerged for a reason. The Diamond Peak highlands, situated near the very equator of Moghes, are generally arid and devoid of good pastures. The cliffs and cave systems provided early unathi with refuge, clean water and malleable metals; some legends claim that a great basin of water lies deep in the mountains keeping the mountain clans strong. However, the hunting grounds were their to conquer.
=== The Hegemony ===
When [[Unathi#The Hegemony|Moghes Hegemony]] was created in 2239, the creation of the unified army was not considered by the ruling council of Kaahnepos - after all, most major clans of either Poles were once united in pursue of their common interests, and their militias combined was more than a match for any force that might had challenged them. In the context of new relations with alien empires, space was the way to go - and so, the focus was put on aquisition of spaceworthy vessels, for trade, security patrols and diplomatic missions.
Since the times immemorial, united Diamond Peak clans raided their lowland neighbours, taking away prisoners and cattle. With superior training, organisaition and weapons, the peak highlanders managed to conquer and subdue other locals, putting in place a complex vassalage system. Estabilished in 12,000 - 8,500 BCE, the system has greatly changed and eroded, but it survives up to this day nevertheless.
Some twenty years later, the Hegemony faced great difficulties when fighting Ssen-Uuma Convent in the [[Unathi/Timeline|Nine Years’ War]], alternatively known as The Riot. Struggling to contain popular discontent in major city-states and stretched to the extreme, polar clans could do little to prevent Diamond Peaks mercenaries from seizing and reinforcing Nolesk. Help came from two sourses - first, Savanna ranchers bailed their polar partners out by raiding Convent's supply lines and taking the brunt of their counterattack. Second, some clans managed to aquire used energy weapons and hovercraft from [[Sol Central Government|Solarian]] merchants - while the prices soared, it was of little concern during the crisis days.
After the conquest of the Peaks, an attempt was made by the Diamond Peak clans to expand their realm further. 7,500 BCE marked the beginning of several conquest and colonization efforts in the Marches. Among the most notable was a campaign by Ssr-Kaahnepo (high warchief) of Durzakragh, Gadrak Ssorhize the Blind. While those usually failed, some produced interesting results - for example, the insular part of the floating city of Gaza'lor was founded in 7,400 BCE as a peakie outpost.
After the cessation of hostilities, many constituent clans petitioned the Council of Honourable Light to fund a new security force, capable of taking on the Convent and other threats to Hegemony's power. While the shock was still fresh, the Council was divided on the issue. The clans less affected by the war were not very fond of the idea - some even desired to estabilish formal relations with Ssen-Uuma to foster possible cooperation. As a compromise, the biggest clans of the Hegemony pledged to increase their spending on collective defence - mainly weapons and other equipment for their expanding militias.  
The Unathi of the Diamond Peaks are very proud of their leaders and their achievements. They are usually of average height, although very muscular at the same time - all male clansmen are bound to be engaged in military training or hard physical work. Thick grey or brown skin, long curved horns and claws are a widespread attribute. The local often have all sort of marks on their body to emphasize their status as a priveleged ethnic group - painted faces, brands or tatoos showing where they come from. The city-states of Diamond Peaks are called Fortresses - the massive citadels of stone akin to the castles of ancient Earth. The Fortresses dominate the surroundings, including the settlements of lowland vassals, who provide their masters with [[Unathi/Agriculture#The Diamond Peaks|food]] in return for protection. While other unathi societies hold landowners in high regard, peak Sinta prefer to engage in [[Unathi/Industry#The Diamond Peaks|industry]], crafts and military drills instead, creating powerful and organised armies to maintain order in their domains and conquer further.
In 2272, a Retainers Guild was finally created within a framework of the Hegemony. However, unlike the earlier designs, its sole task was to give assistance to Hegemony envoys and functionaries. With the staff or around 2000 (consisting mostly of polar unathi and loyal foreigners) the Guild provides bodyguards, secretaries, IT specialists, caterers to those travelling on Moghes and off-planet. While they may dress formally or traditionally for the occasion, their uniform of choise usually consists of tacky sportswear - baggy, with plenty of space for armored vests, hidden weapons and various items of equipment.
While this ancient order persevered for centuries, the growing population and the resulting food shortage led the proud peakfolk to participate more in emerging Trans-Moghes trade routes. Experience in crafting weapons, power armor and vehicles of war, as well as large mineral deposits were of great interest to the polar merchants and industrialists; more so, the highland chiefs began to lease their militias to the polar city-states, providing affordable security to the ruling clans. The regulations of the vassal system, already in decline, were eased somewhat. As of 2300s, the vassals (which outnumber the Peakfolk proper two to one) have considerable legal and economic freedoms, being able to move, trade and worship as they see fit, without much interference from the highland elites. Colonists from other parts of Moghes are routinely invited to settle on the lands belonging to local lords, to make up for the vassals that left or to make better use of the existing plots. Despite those changes though, the political power in the area remains firmly in the hands of highland clan Kaahnepos.
While the Hegemony does not have a centralized military of it's own, '''Moghes Space Force''' was envisioned to become one - at least on paper. Although several attempts to purchase outdated ships have taken place since 2245, [[Sol Central Government|SCG]] have been stalwart in its desire to maintain its monopoly on military presence in the sector - as for 2307, MSF has 2 outdated patrol ships in its semi-active service, refurbished into revenue cutters. While further expansion is impeded by fuel shortage and rising maintenance costs, the constituent clans of the Hegemony are known to own a considerable amount of private civilian and multi-role spaceships, the maintenance of which is helped by an influx of salvaged parts to the unregulated markets of Moghes.
In terms of faith, the majority of Peakfolk are the adherents of [[Unathi/Cults#The Grand Stratagem|the Grand Stratagem]] philosophy. It is sometimes claimed that Diamond Peak clans received the doctrine directly from the Ancestors - a fact they like to emphasise. The Peak version of the Strategem is considered more refined, as it is focused on spiritual strength and self-discipline, as well as preserving the hierarchy. The vassals, alongide the [[Unathi#Faith|traditional religion]], are involved in a vide variety of cults - Hand of the Vine and Fruitful Lights are the most prominent. The Peakfolk are surprisingly tolerant of those, finding it fitting that the farmers have their own ways - although Markesheli used to be exiled or attacked because of them preaching against the existing order of things.
=== Ssen-Uuma Convent ===
When the Nine Years’ War came to the conclusion in 2268, [[Unathi#The Convent|Ssen-Uuma Convent]] faced a severe identity crisis. Despite early strong performance, it could not dislodge the Hegemony from its position as the foremost power on Moghes; dissatisfied voices from radicals and moderates became louder with each upset in the field. Inconclusive results of the conflict and rising poverty led to many Diamond Peak clans breaking rank and beginning to trade with their polar parners right after the war concluded, which put the future of the league in question.
While Diamond Peak clansmen accept other unathi, they are more vary of other races, some of which they consider dangerous for the well-being of Moghes and the Unathi race. The increased off-world trade and the appearance of alien (mostly human) workers in some of the mining settlements in the Peaks certain disturbances among the native population - and disagreements with the Polar clans, which the Peakfolk considered too careless and degenerate to handle the situation well. One of the direct results of this was the creation of Ssen-Uuma Convent by the Diamond Peaks Kaahnepos, who sought to access the danger and keep things under control.
A breakthrough came in the early 2270. After the discoveries of the [[Human#23rd Century|First and Second EC Moghes expedition]] became well-publicised, considerable amount of non-aligned treasure hunters began to flock to the planet in search of loot. While early reports of such activities surfaced as early as 2259 (which caused the Riot itself), by the 2270 there were serious signs of uncontrolled artifact appropriation - an event known as the [[Unathi/Timeline|First (Lo) Artifact rush]].
Urged by Great Desert clans (which somewhat rose in prominence during the decline period), the Convent militias ambushed the grave diggers and their local allies, taking some prisoners - allegedly, some parties were slaughtered to the last man. This was a risky gamble - however, no strong diplomatic responce followed. While the immediate yield was limited, it boosted the confidence of Ssen-Uuma - and earned it some unexpected positive reputation. Still, there was much room for improvement.
In 2271, the first joint Hegemony-Convent project was launched - a system of radar telescopes designed to monitor orbital activity. While the equipment was prohibitively expensive for the Convent, the Hegemony was preparing to crack down on endemic smuggling - and thus pledged to fund the project. By the middle of 2280s, the system was fully in place, consisting of alpine installations in the Peaks, observatories in the Poles and several other stations (including three situated on [[Ouere]]), allowing the clan leagues to monitor the movement of space vessels in Uuoea-Esa system and triangulate the position of ships preparing to land.
At the same time, Ssen-Uuma were undergoing change. While General Staff was seeking to improve the equpment and mobility of its forces, the limitations of Convent economy were understood by all. Bearing in mind the experience of the late war, Convent military switched its old metal armor for lightweight camouflage topped with panama hats; slightly upscaled [[Assault rifle|STS]] became the standard infantry weapon, owing mostly to its ruggedness and modest price - some were produced locally while many were subcontracted to the Poles. Energy weapons, although admired by many, never gained much traction due to lack or reliable energy sources and complexity of maintenance. Something that gained popularity among shock troop elements was the use of short ranged teleporters. Typically used to close the distance, often into close quarters combat, they are somewhat of a rarity thanks to it's complex and sometimes unreliable mechanisms. It's effectiveness in combat is undeniable, with breacher units able to get close without exposing themselves to fire before swiftly taking opponents down in melee combat.
The organization of the forces themselves changed in lieu of old warbands. Territorial regiments were established mostly in the Peaks and Deserts (with the latter providing ssisalik cavalry or "dragoon" regiments), although some old Diamond Peaks colonies in the swamps participated as well. While most of the officers still came from the high-status highlander clans, many commoners were allowed in - especially those who worked off-world as mercenaries and had experience in asymmetric warfare. A sizeable reserve of wheeled and tracked transport was accumulated, with maintenance rigs and depos littering the areas around Sariz Nirz and other Peak Fortresses. Cooperation with other forces was strengthened - especially with the Sentinels of [[Unathi/Yeosa#Rah'Zakeh League|Rah'Zakeh]], since Ssen-Uuma troops lacked any naval component.
By the beginning of 24th century, some unconfirmed reports were claiming the existance of imported orbital defence missiles, allegedly brought in from [[Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation|Partheno System]] in the aftermath of the [[Gaia Conflict|Gaia conflict]]; in 2302, those were seemingly deployed around Diamond Peaks, mixed with Precursor artillery.
=== Dohruk Company ===
As far as general public is concerned, the reach of any authority on Moghes is limited to the planet itself - or the [[Moghes|Uuoea-Esa system]] at most. The Unathi realm posesses no strong fleet, while its diplomatic status is somewhat undefined. With the exeption of Hegemony bureacrats and affiliated merchants, few unathi travel human space in official capacity. Most are contracted workers or freelancers - some participate in private or government programs, like that of [[Unathi#History and Politics|EC]]. Others are simply travellers, [[Unathi#Tersten|colonists]] or tourists. There is an exeption, however.
Dohruk Company, named after a [[Moghes#Fauna|predator animal]] commonly found in Salt Swamps, was put together by Ssen-Uuma General Staff in the early 2280s. Reportedly, it was initially staffed by few veterans of [[Magnitka]] civil war and few smaller conflicts. While the former claim is debateable, Dohruks are said to be cream of the crop of unathi soldiers of fortune, specifically earmarked for Convent jobs.
While the Company is mostly associated with Ssen-Uuma, it is equally as often lended to the Hegemony, with its many interests in civilized space - in return for various benefits on its part. The regular tasks involve extracting (or abducting) important sinta and yeosa working off-Moghes, taking back merchant ships captured by the pirates, delivering noteworthy cargo and (ostensibly) collecting debts.
Not much information is generally available on Dohruk Company - its size, composition, available equipment and location of bases remains unknown.
== Weapons and Armor ==
Armor is generally bulky and does not fully cover a Unathi. The armor is a mix of cloth and heavy plates covering vital areas, offering sturdy protection from at least one or two hits with some of the strongest light-based weapons available to Unathi. The shells from the exoskeletons of certain animals is also often used. These sets of armor may also be decorated to reflect one's caste and clan. Symbols, clan colors, kill markers, or small trophies are common.
Unathi melee weapons may seem very simple compared to human technology, however they are extremely deadly, especially in the hands of someone with skill. Some examples include vibroswords and energy axes. The vibrosword vibrates so incredibly fast that the movement is is not noticeable to the naked eye. It can cleave straight through limbs, easily capable of severing a head or another appendage. Energy axes are made of a very easy-to-heat metal with a high melting point, as well as a battery at the base of the staff that powers it. The head of the weapon is weighted and it is also intended to cleave off limbs, or at the very least inflict severe burns. Wounds from this type of weapon do not bleed, however, as the extreme heat cauterizes the wound before any such trauma can occur. This type of energy technology is also available in sword and halberd varieties.
Another unique weapon design Unathi possess are pneumatic weapons, like hammers and maces. These weapons have a compressed air system, and both sides of the hammer's head are movable, which means when one side strikes, the other slams down with a brutal amount of compressed force onto the other to give the blow more power. This simple yet lethal system has earned them the name 'power hammers/maces'. Normal rules of mace swinging still apply, but the momentum and weight don't do all the work any longer.
Ranged weaponry is generally not Unathi specific. It is not used in honorable combat though this practice has changed over time and is somewhat situational depending on the clans or clan members involved. These types of weapons are imported from cities with space ports where people can buy and trade firearms. Laser weaponry is generally preferred, as the harsh sands of Moghes tend to wear down and break the moving parts of ballistic weapons. Crossbows and longbows made from sinew or dried entrails are tools used in hunting, and rarely you may find some scavenged from Precursor ruins that utilize radiation bolts. However, these types of ancient weapons are hard to procure, and are usually seen in the hands of those in higher castes. Should these rare bows be found in the hands of a outcast, someone will certainly be asking uncomfortable questions as to how they got their hands on such a thing.

Текущая версия на 15:30, 25 января 2021

Having evolved from agile and territorial predators, always surrounded by gigantic, violent beasts, first Sinta used weapons for hunting and survival. Later, when the great migrations started, it came to the struggle between different clans and tribes - battles for hunting grounds and natural resources. As societies evolved, new concepts came into being: power, hierarchy, order, territory, responsibility, honour. Blood bonds and familial ties developed into neighbourly agreements, servitude and vassalage relations, tribe unions, chiefdoms and primitive states, most of which were forged and kept together (to the present day in some cases) by the might of arms.

Traditional Warfare[править]

Much like the clan is the basic unit of Unathi society, clan militias form the backbone of all military organizations on Moghes, traditional or new. The militias are often maintained by few hardened veterans, while the ranks are filled by the part-time tribal soldiers - usually male clan members, although this may vary from region to region. Both men and women tend to receive at least some training with traditional weapons to hunt and defend themselves - or in case the dedicated warriors find themselves in need of support.

For the majority of clans, large-scale conflicts are an extremely uncommon occurrence - the planet has seen close to none conventional wars for millenia. However, in a traditional, decentralized society like that of Moghes, the only kind of justice remaining available to many clans is martial justice - land division arguments, legal disputes, grudges and petty quarrels between individual clans are often resolved through armed conflict. The most common way to protect the rights and honours of one's clan and family comes in the form of banes – traditional judicial duels, either between chosen champions or with the entirety of clansmen participating. In case the sacred duel is deemed unnecessary by the kaahnepos, or wasn’t sanctioned by religious authorities, a classic, freeform brawl will invariable be the surest way to settle the score between two sides.

Diamond Peaks[править]

Among fellow Sinta, the denizens of Diamond Peaks are renowned for their physical might and perseverance, but also for narrow-mindedness, sluggishness and (sometimes) short stature. Nevertheless, it is universally agreed that the unforgiving highlands of Moghes breed the toughest, most dependable soldiers on the planet.

While their native lands lack fertile pastures, the highlanders' home was well-shielded from hazardous wildlife or unwanted guests. Moreover, clean water and mineral deposits were abundant, hidden in the depths of the earth. This, naturally, drove local unathi to the trades they could make best use of: crafts and war.

The mountain warrior of the classical period was invariably a foot soldier, armed with a large shield and a melee weapon - the mounts could only be afforded by those representing military or religious elite. The peakfolk made heavy use of metal armour, which covered the body, limbs and sometimes even the tail. To make the most of their hardware advantage against lightfoot adversaries, Peak warriors operated in tight formations, covering each other on advance. Such tactics required rigorous training and discipline, coupled with strict leadership. Ranged weapons played a largely supportive role, often found in the hands of servants from the conquered clans, although younger highlanders would also arm themselves with javelins and slings, to harass the enemy and assist their seniors.

Eventually, the majority of the lowlanders came to be dominated by the Diamond Peaks war chiefs. Their rule spread beyond the Peaks themselves - highlander colonies in the swamps (Wasghaelli) and deserts stand testimony to the fact. To maintain law and order in the conquered areas, Peak dwellers spent centuries perfecting their standing armies and military administrations. While traditions and methods varied between each clan, some attributes of their rule were quite ubiquitous, such as the use of heavily armored and rightfully feared guardsmen. Those who had the gall to wrong the highlander masters were bound to be seized, beaten and turned into a hardened thrall - or sent to the fields.

While among the first to use primitive arquebus-like firearms, Peak Sinta military practices have plateued during centuries of relative peace. Precursor technology, while revered by highlanders, was rarely used. The big change came when polar city-states began to grow exponentially, the increased demand for security prompted many chiefs to rent their militias out in return for consumer goods and industrial exports. Highlander security units became a mundane sight in the streets of Mumbak and such, much to the displeasure of locals, no matter high or low-status. This development was spurred by the gradual decline of vassalage system in the Peaks. Since the vassals could no longer support their masters with their somewhat primitive agriculture, the highlanders had to search other means of income. The First Contact with alien races only hastened the process - the major ports of Moghes Poles became the place to earn money (and spend money), and mercenary work off-Moghes became a dangerous, yet lucrative option. At the same time, the traditional feudal boundary between the highlanders and lowlanders (or even settlers from other parts of Moghes) blurred out, with wealthier plebeians often rivaling their former rulers in strength of arms.

While the traditional highlander art of armour smithing lost its former importance, one trade remained highly sought-after - the production of mobile suits, or Breachers. Unlike human-built hardsuits, Peak Sinta rigs are carefully handcrafted and individually fitted, and later issued to the best warriors of the clan. Those on the top of highlander military structure may enjoy the elements of Precursor technologies integrated into their power armor, as well as precious gems, baroque patterns and other decorations, including the skulls of their enemies and rare animals. The might of Peak Unathi Clans manifests itself in a form of Breacher infantry attack: an awe-inspiring assault by a rigorously trained, motivated, and well organized metal wall crushing everything under its boot.

The Great Desert[править]

Caravan guards by day and robbers by night, the old sinta of the deserts pride themselves as masters of individual combat, both ranged and melee. Small in numbers and constantly engaged in great hunts and tribal raids, clans of the desert have to rely on hit-and-run tactics, swiftness of movement and mastery of weapons.

The champions of the desert have turned almost every kind of military pursuit into a form of art. While on the move, desert dwellers make exellent snipers and skirmishers, making the most of thrown rocks, javelins or rifles, even from ssisalik or oghash back. In melee, the nomads are equally as dangerous, wrestling even larger opponents to the ground, or attacking them with daggers. Wrestling is especially popular with the followers of the Stratagem - and those are plenty among the desert clans. Those traditional displays of strength are often accompanied by other shows, such as the scimitar-dance, performed by armed desert clan females. While they rarely have enough manpower to sell their entire militias for money, Desert champions are often sought after as bodyguards to Polar strongmen, who value both their skill and lack of attachment to local affairs.

In recent decades, the ways of war in the desert have undergone certain developments, dictated by changes in local lifestyle. For millenia, wasteland clans relied heavily on few animals to move between major oases or rare strips of shrubbery. As the result, the warriors of each clan rarely journeyed very far from their home base, situated on the backs of Ogashes and cart wagons - or near a source of water, in case the clan was settled. The influx of motor vehicles gave desert unathi a great deal of mobility, and allowed many clans to brave territories with limited supply of water and forage. While fuel is not cheap, the expanding trade between the poles brought in plenty of savanna bio-diesel to work with, and sometimes even phoron. At the same time, fuel from Diamond Peak refineries became an important tool in securing the loyalty of Great Desert clans, used first by larger highland clans and then by the Convent.

To make the most out of their supplies, desert unathi tend to use massive, high torque all-terrain vehicles with powerful engines, not dissimilar to ogashes in many ways. Those vehicles, often called "tanks" or "crawlers" by human onlookers, usually feature an impressive set of weaponry (including machine guns and cannons) intended for self-defence - a mere view of such a difficult target discourages smaller clans from raiding the owner.

Swamp Regions[править]

The swamp pioneers of Moghes are rarely praised for their military prowess - despite this, unfriendly raids into their territory are exceedingly rare. This owes much to the hostile environment of swamp unathi lands - and their masterful use of terrain to their advantage.

Often little more than armed peasants, swamp dwellers generally possess knowledge of local roads and rivers, and usually allow the intruders to delve deep into the marches before ambushing them. Once the unfortunate bandits have lost all their vehicles and pack animals to the bogs, the locals may overwhelm and take them prisoner in mere minutes - this is greatly helped by the fact that people of the swamp can swim almost silently, and can climb trees, unencumbered with armor.

While swamp unathi militiamen don't use much of specific gear (owing to their mixed background), a traditional weapon is a local variant of war cleaver, called "gharrunhi". Gharrunhi is generally used to cut through the shrubbery and thick wines. However, it is heavy enough to put down the largest of local predators in one swoop. Gharrunhis are directly responsible for many fingerbones hanging from the necklaces of local militia veterans, each denoting one dead or captured (and then ransomed) opponent. In addition, a popular ambush tool for the swamp dwellers is a simple fishing net, often used to entangle or startle the adversaries when dropped from above.


While physically strong and often towering well above their contemporaries, the inhabitants of the savanna belts of Moghes are often regarded as farmers and herdsmen rather than warriors - the ssisalik herds belonging to them feed a considerable proportion of Moghes population. Nevertheless, savanna clans hold two major victories under their belts - victories in two of the three major recorded wars in the history of unathi race, no less.

Expert riders and animal handlers, it comes as no surprise that savanna sinta, both nomads and settled ones, prefer to fight from the backs of their huge mounts. Ssisaliks are most common, while threshbeasts are used as hounds and patrol animals, seeking out the fleeing enemies and hidden dangers. While this makes savanna militias more intimidating, it also gives them great mobility, allowing bands of warriors to carry supplies over long distances.

The finest hour of savanna warriors came roughly 4200 years ago, when the events of the Cult war pitted the the southern clans against Markesheli, who controlled great swathes of savanna and desert territory. Led by the careful kaahnepo Ssvagha Issarik, local militias managed to defeat multiple bands of cultist raiders in detail, bringing an end to the expansion of the cult and setting in motion its downfall.

Yet another example of savanna unathi martial prowess and adaptability came during the Nine Years’ War in 2259 - 2268, when mounted militias barely managed to hold back the advance of Diamond Peak troops marching to break the siege of Nolesk. This time, both sides made use of heavy machine guns, bolt-action firearms and even some imported weapons - the advantage savanna dragoons had in mobility and logistics proved decisive.

With the growing wealth, increase in trade and improvements in technology, motor vehicles have found widespead use in the savannas. The availability of biodiesel, produced by a large number of clan-owned processing facilities for power generation, only boosted the process. While large armed transports are still the most popular type of car with savanna unathi (especially with the merchants travelling from pole to pole), personal vehicles are gradually becoming more common. This includes a certain amount of imported phoron and nuclear-powered hoverpods, especially second-hand ones, brought in by human merchants. Nevertheless, ssisaliks and other pack animals remain the favoured method of conveyance among savanna dwellers, for reasons both economical and cultural.

The Poles[править]

A long time ago, polar clans were quite similar to those of savannas in their economy, mode of life and even general appearance. Since then, however, the Poles of Moghes have become increasingly urbanised - and their denizens have traided many qualities or rural unathi for other benefits.

For years, polar unathi have increasingly relied on foreign troops to maintain order in their growing domains. Experienced warriors from all regions of Moghes flocked to the city-states, seeking employment. However, this arrangement has it's drawbacks - during the war between Hegemony and Convent, many highlander militias proclaimed neutrality, offering protection only to their direct employers, while some units shared even more dubious loyalties.

In lieu of those developments, many wealthy polar clans became eager to restore the martial traditions of their clans, although many had maintained small militias of their own even before the events. Either way, it is now customary for major polar powerhouses to school their young in the ways of war, with best equipment and teachers their money can buy. Energy weapons, training spacecraft, many foreign and even off-world specialists are sought after by local clans - among the latter, allegedly, retired Sol and Terran officers.


Few continentals (or even alien races) consider the islanders of Moghes warlike. For many Yeosa clans it holds true, although phlegmatic islanders are sometimes capable of surprising feats in combat.

While the Littoral clans may borrow some martial traditions from their neighbours (especially from the swamp sinta), for many an islander fighting an opponent in water remains fairly similar to hunting an animal: pirates, large beast and aggressive exiles are usually confronted with fishing spears, clubs, nets and knives. The Wardens - members of the "third sex" unique to the Yeosa - often use their size and special status to prevent any aggression between people of the sea.

After the formation of Rah'Zakeh League, a volunteer force of the Sentinels was put together, to enforse the laws of Aga-Eakhe and apprehend pirates. Armed with increasingly popular NanoTrasen-brand underwater flechette pistols, the Sentinels ensure that the will of the Tribunal is carried out, on land and sea - and sometimes even in space.

Clan Leagues. Modern Warfare[править]

23rd century on Moghes was marked by major developments in the field of politics, economy and culture. The explosive growth of city-states was given boost by the contact with expansionist alien empires, which inspired awe in the unathi - but also concern. In the meantime, societal changes led to the creation of new political entities - first, the powerful Krukzuz type of clans, and later clan leagues. The need to secure their place in a changing world of proto-states and aliens fostered the development of the new type of unathi military, in many ways different from traditional clan militaries of the past.

The Hegemony[править]

When Moghes Hegemony was created in 2239, the creation of the unified army was not considered by the ruling council of Kaahnepos - after all, most major clans of either Poles were once united in pursue of their common interests, and their militias combined was more than a match for any force that might had challenged them. In the context of new relations with alien empires, space was the way to go - and so, the focus was put on aquisition of spaceworthy vessels, for trade, security patrols and diplomatic missions.

Some twenty years later, the Hegemony faced great difficulties when fighting Ssen-Uuma Convent in the Nine Years’ War, alternatively known as The Riot. Struggling to contain popular discontent in major city-states and stretched to the extreme, polar clans could do little to prevent Diamond Peaks mercenaries from seizing and reinforcing Nolesk. Help came from two sourses - first, Savanna ranchers bailed their polar partners out by raiding Convent's supply lines and taking the brunt of their counterattack. Second, some clans managed to aquire used energy weapons and hovercraft from Solarian merchants - while the prices soared, it was of little concern during the crisis days.

After the cessation of hostilities, many constituent clans petitioned the Council of Honourable Light to fund a new security force, capable of taking on the Convent and other threats to Hegemony's power. While the shock was still fresh, the Council was divided on the issue. The clans less affected by the war were not very fond of the idea - some even desired to estabilish formal relations with Ssen-Uuma to foster possible cooperation. As a compromise, the biggest clans of the Hegemony pledged to increase their spending on collective defence - mainly weapons and other equipment for their expanding militias.

In 2272, a Retainers Guild was finally created within a framework of the Hegemony. However, unlike the earlier designs, its sole task was to give assistance to Hegemony envoys and functionaries. With the staff or around 2000 (consisting mostly of polar unathi and loyal foreigners) the Guild provides bodyguards, secretaries, IT specialists, caterers to those travelling on Moghes and off-planet. While they may dress formally or traditionally for the occasion, their uniform of choise usually consists of tacky sportswear - baggy, with plenty of space for armored vests, hidden weapons and various items of equipment.

While the Hegemony does not have a centralized military of it's own, Moghes Space Force was envisioned to become one - at least on paper. Although several attempts to purchase outdated ships have taken place since 2245, SCG have been stalwart in its desire to maintain its monopoly on military presence in the sector - as for 2307, MSF has 2 outdated patrol ships in its semi-active service, refurbished into revenue cutters. While further expansion is impeded by fuel shortage and rising maintenance costs, the constituent clans of the Hegemony are known to own a considerable amount of private civilian and multi-role spaceships, the maintenance of which is helped by an influx of salvaged parts to the unregulated markets of Moghes.

Ssen-Uuma Convent[править]

When the Nine Years’ War came to the conclusion in 2268, Ssen-Uuma Convent faced a severe identity crisis. Despite early strong performance, it could not dislodge the Hegemony from its position as the foremost power on Moghes; dissatisfied voices from radicals and moderates became louder with each upset in the field. Inconclusive results of the conflict and rising poverty led to many Diamond Peak clans breaking rank and beginning to trade with their polar parners right after the war concluded, which put the future of the league in question.

A breakthrough came in the early 2270. After the discoveries of the First and Second EC Moghes expedition became well-publicised, considerable amount of non-aligned treasure hunters began to flock to the planet in search of loot. While early reports of such activities surfaced as early as 2259 (which caused the Riot itself), by the 2270 there were serious signs of uncontrolled artifact appropriation - an event known as the First (Lo) Artifact rush.

Urged by Great Desert clans (which somewhat rose in prominence during the decline period), the Convent militias ambushed the grave diggers and their local allies, taking some prisoners - allegedly, some parties were slaughtered to the last man. This was a risky gamble - however, no strong diplomatic responce followed. While the immediate yield was limited, it boosted the confidence of Ssen-Uuma - and earned it some unexpected positive reputation. Still, there was much room for improvement.

In 2271, the first joint Hegemony-Convent project was launched - a system of radar telescopes designed to monitor orbital activity. While the equipment was prohibitively expensive for the Convent, the Hegemony was preparing to crack down on endemic smuggling - and thus pledged to fund the project. By the middle of 2280s, the system was fully in place, consisting of alpine installations in the Peaks, observatories in the Poles and several other stations (including three situated on Ouere), allowing the clan leagues to monitor the movement of space vessels in Uuoea-Esa system and triangulate the position of ships preparing to land.

At the same time, Ssen-Uuma were undergoing change. While General Staff was seeking to improve the equpment and mobility of its forces, the limitations of Convent economy were understood by all. Bearing in mind the experience of the late war, Convent military switched its old metal armor for lightweight camouflage topped with panama hats; slightly upscaled STS became the standard infantry weapon, owing mostly to its ruggedness and modest price - some were produced locally while many were subcontracted to the Poles. Energy weapons, although admired by many, never gained much traction due to lack or reliable energy sources and complexity of maintenance. Something that gained popularity among shock troop elements was the use of short ranged teleporters. Typically used to close the distance, often into close quarters combat, they are somewhat of a rarity thanks to it's complex and sometimes unreliable mechanisms. It's effectiveness in combat is undeniable, with breacher units able to get close without exposing themselves to fire before swiftly taking opponents down in melee combat.

The organization of the forces themselves changed in lieu of old warbands. Territorial regiments were established mostly in the Peaks and Deserts (with the latter providing ssisalik cavalry or "dragoon" regiments), although some old Diamond Peaks colonies in the swamps participated as well. While most of the officers still came from the high-status highlander clans, many commoners were allowed in - especially those who worked off-world as mercenaries and had experience in asymmetric warfare. A sizeable reserve of wheeled and tracked transport was accumulated, with maintenance rigs and depos littering the areas around Sariz Nirz and other Peak Fortresses. Cooperation with other forces was strengthened - especially with the Sentinels of Rah'Zakeh, since Ssen-Uuma troops lacked any naval component.

By the beginning of 24th century, some unconfirmed reports were claiming the existance of imported orbital defence missiles, allegedly brought in from Partheno System in the aftermath of the Gaia conflict; in 2302, those were seemingly deployed around Diamond Peaks, mixed with Precursor artillery.

Dohruk Company[править]

As far as general public is concerned, the reach of any authority on Moghes is limited to the planet itself - or the Uuoea-Esa system at most. The Unathi realm posesses no strong fleet, while its diplomatic status is somewhat undefined. With the exeption of Hegemony bureacrats and affiliated merchants, few unathi travel human space in official capacity. Most are contracted workers or freelancers - some participate in private or government programs, like that of EC. Others are simply travellers, colonists or tourists. There is an exeption, however.

Dohruk Company, named after a predator animal commonly found in Salt Swamps, was put together by Ssen-Uuma General Staff in the early 2280s. Reportedly, it was initially staffed by few veterans of Magnitka civil war and few smaller conflicts. While the former claim is debateable, Dohruks are said to be cream of the crop of unathi soldiers of fortune, specifically earmarked for Convent jobs.

While the Company is mostly associated with Ssen-Uuma, it is equally as often lended to the Hegemony, with its many interests in civilized space - in return for various benefits on its part. The regular tasks involve extracting (or abducting) important sinta and yeosa working off-Moghes, taking back merchant ships captured by the pirates, delivering noteworthy cargo and (ostensibly) collecting debts.

Not much information is generally available on Dohruk Company - its size, composition, available equipment and location of bases remains unknown.

Weapons and Armor[править]

Armor is generally bulky and does not fully cover a Unathi. The armor is a mix of cloth and heavy plates covering vital areas, offering sturdy protection from at least one or two hits with some of the strongest light-based weapons available to Unathi. The shells from the exoskeletons of certain animals is also often used. These sets of armor may also be decorated to reflect one's caste and clan. Symbols, clan colors, kill markers, or small trophies are common.

Unathi melee weapons may seem very simple compared to human technology, however they are extremely deadly, especially in the hands of someone with skill. Some examples include vibroswords and energy axes. The vibrosword vibrates so incredibly fast that the movement is is not noticeable to the naked eye. It can cleave straight through limbs, easily capable of severing a head or another appendage. Energy axes are made of a very easy-to-heat metal with a high melting point, as well as a battery at the base of the staff that powers it. The head of the weapon is weighted and it is also intended to cleave off limbs, or at the very least inflict severe burns. Wounds from this type of weapon do not bleed, however, as the extreme heat cauterizes the wound before any such trauma can occur. This type of energy technology is also available in sword and halberd varieties.

Another unique weapon design Unathi possess are pneumatic weapons, like hammers and maces. These weapons have a compressed air system, and both sides of the hammer's head are movable, which means when one side strikes, the other slams down with a brutal amount of compressed force onto the other to give the blow more power. This simple yet lethal system has earned them the name 'power hammers/maces'. Normal rules of mace swinging still apply, but the momentum and weight don't do all the work any longer.

Ranged weaponry is generally not Unathi specific. It is not used in honorable combat though this practice has changed over time and is somewhat situational depending on the clans or clan members involved. These types of weapons are imported from cities with space ports where people can buy and trade firearms. Laser weaponry is generally preferred, as the harsh sands of Moghes tend to wear down and break the moving parts of ballistic weapons. Crossbows and longbows made from sinew or dried entrails are tools used in hunting, and rarely you may find some scavenged from Precursor ruins that utilize radiation bolts. However, these types of ancient weapons are hard to procure, and are usually seen in the hands of those in higher castes. Should these rare bows be found in the hands of a outcast, someone will certainly be asking uncomfortable questions as to how they got their hands on such a thing.